New Football Rules Updates for 2023/24 Season (FIFA & Premier League)


Please note that I need to know which type of football you're referring to, as the rules for American football and FIFA football (soccer) differ significantly.

Here are some of the new rule updates for the 2023/24 season:

General Rules (FIFA)

  • Offside:
    • Clarification added for players becoming onside: A player who is clearly offside will not become onside solely because an opponent touches the ball.
    • "Deliberate play" by an opponent puts an offside player onside, including deliberate handball (except deliberate saves).
  • Extra persons on the field:
    • Goal disallowed if an extra person (player, substitute, etc.) was on the field of play for the scoring team and interfered with play.
  • Goalkeeper handling:
    • Goalkeeper cannot hold the ball for longer than 6 seconds outside the penalty area.


  • Stricter enforcement of dissent towards officials.
  • Automatic yellow cards for players approaching the referee in large numbers or from a distance.

Physical Challenges:

  • Higher threshold for awarding free kicks for "contact" between players.
  • Emphasis on "careless" challenges resulting in yellow cards and "reckless" challenges resulting in red cards.

Unsporting Behaviour:

  • Players may avoid a card for a foul if they made a genuine attempt to play the ball, even if they committed a foul.
  • This applies especially to last-man challenges, where a yellow card might be given instead of a red if the defender attempted to win the ball.

Other Updates:

  • Dropped ball:
    • Used to restart play after an accidental handball by the attacking team in the buildup to a goal.
  • Goal kicks:
    • Defenders must be outside the penalty area at the time of the kick.
  • Free kicks:
    • Defenders must be at least 1 meter from the ball when a quick free kick is taken.
  • Video Assistant Referee (VAR):
    • More clarity on when VAR can intervene for offside and handball decisions.
    • Play clock reset to 40 seconds (from 25 seconds) after successful VAR reviews under 2 minutes remaining.

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