New Rules of Handball Game


The International Handball Federation (IHF) implements rule changes periodically to enhance the game's fluidity, fairness, and spectator appeal. Here are some of the new rules implemented in handball:

Throw-off circle:

  • The throw-off circle has been enlarged from 3 meters to 4 meters in diameter. This change allows for more space and flexibility for the player taking the throw-off, potentially leading to more creative and dynamic offensive plays.

Goalkeeper head contact:

  • A direct two-minute suspension is now awarded if a shooter hits the goalkeeper's head with the ball during play, unless the shot is taken by an unbalanced player or is an indirect free throw. This rule aims to protect goalkeepers from potential injuries.

Passive play:

  • The attacking team must now make a serious attempt to score within 30 seconds of gaining possession. Failure to do so will result in a free throw awarded to the defending team. This rule aims to increase the pace of play and reduce instances of passive ball holding.

Unnatural position of the arm:

  • The interpretation of the "unnatural position of the arm" rule has been clarified. It now states that a handball offense will not be called if the ball is previously deflected from the player's own body and does not go towards the goal. This change aims to reduce the number of controversial handball decisions.

Goal area line violation:

  • Players are now prohibited from entering the goal area line while the goalkeeper is in control of the ball inside the area. This rule aims to protect the goalkeeper and create a more defined playing space.

Technical time-outs:

  • Each team is now allowed two technical time-outs per half, instead of one. This change provides coaches with more flexibility to manage their teams and strategize during the game.

Video review:

  • The use of video review technology has been expanded to include certain key decisions, such as red cards, disqualification throws, and penalty throws. This aims to ensure fairer and more accurate officiating.

  • The duration of a time-out has been reduced from one minute to 30 seconds.
  • The distance for free throws awarded for minor fouls has been increased from 7 meters to 9 meters.
  • The rules regarding substitution procedures have been streamlined.

These new rules are intended to improve the overall experience of handball for players, referees, and spectators. They are expected to lead to a faster, more dynamic, and fairer game.

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