Organization of an athletic meet
Athletic meet of an institution, is also called Sports Meet. Sports Meet may be divided in to two categories
1. Standard Sports Meet
2. Non-Standard Sports Meet
A standard sports meet is a meet conducted according to the Inter national rules of competition. In non-standard sports meet it is not necessary to follow the International rules of competition.
The organizing and conducting part of an athletic meet involves lot of planning and preparation. The assistance and cooperation of all teachers, non teaching staff and students etc. for the successful and smooth conduct of the sports meet. There are some important points which one should keep in mind while planning to organize an athletic meet.
  • Suitable month and date to hold an athletic meet.
  • Approximate number of participants.
  • Selection of athletic events to be included in the programme.
  • Selection and availability of chief guests for the inauguration of the meet and prize distribution.
  • Selection of groups for the march past.
  • Availability of finances required for the purchase of prizes, refreshment, and other materials.
  • Kind of prizes to be purchased.
  • Menu of refreshment to be served.
  • Identification of special invitees and their approximate number.
Then the work involved in the organization and the conduct of the sports meet may be divided under three heads.
  • Pre-Meet Work
  • Meet Work
  • Post-Meet Work
Pre-Meet Work
There shall be an organizing committee which shall be responsible for the successful and smooth conduct of the annual sports meet. Several sub committees shall be formed and work under the organizing committee.
The sub committees and their duties are as follows.
Committee for Publicity: This committee shall announce the date; the events; etc of the sports meet.
Committee for Grounds and Equipment: The committee shall be responsible to secure the ground and make arrangements for the proper laying out of the track and field. The members shall also collect all the necessary equipments and other materials and keep them ready for the meet.
Committee for the Officials: The committee shall be responsible for officiating the track and field events.
Committee for Seating Arrangement: This committee shall be responsible for the proper pandal and seating arrangements around athletic area for the convenience of the competitors, officials, students etc.
Committee for Purchase of Trophies: This committee will ensure that all the trophies are purchased according to the number of events. All the trophies shall be handed over to the ceremony commence to arrange them for distribution.
Committee for Refreshment: This committee shall take charge of supplying refreshments and drinks to the competitors, officials, teachers, students etc.
Committee for Maintaining Discipline: This committee maintains discipline on the athletic area.

Meet Work
  • On the day of athletic meet all the officials and competitors shall report well before the commencement of an event.
  • The officials are given badges, copies of the programme and the concerned score sheet.
  • The competitors are given the chest numbers and necessary instructions.
  • The sports meet shall then be started with an opening ceremony which usually consist of the march past of the athletes. The Chief Guest receives the salute and makes the declaration of the meet by hosting the flag, oath taking by the athlete, carrying of torch and lighting torch. Releasing balloons and pigeons etc, then the event shall be conducted according to the committee. 
  • The victory ceremony will take place as soon as the final of the each event is over.
  • All the competitors shall assemble for the closing ceremony, and then the presentation of trophies and certificates shall take place. Some time before the closing ceremony cultural programme is organized for the participants, officials, spectators, gusts etc. at last jumble march past take place, athlete assemble in front of Rostrum. With the singing of National Anthem, lowering of flag, declaring the closing of the Athletic Meet by the Chief Gusts handing over flag to the chief gust by the guard of honor. The chief guest hands over the flag to the head of the institution (HOD). Physical education/ sports for keeping it under safe custody will the next athletic meet. The sports meet will come to a close
Post-Meet Work
After the meet is over it is necessary to return the equipment and other materials borrowed from others. Convey thanks to all the teachers, non-teaching staff, students and all the persons who helped and made the athletic meet a grate successful one.
Importance /Significance of Athletic Meet
Annual athletic meet or sports meet has significant values for the student of the institutions in the following ways:
  1. Athletic meet conducted in the institution provides an opportunity to all the students to take part in sports activities, especially for those who could not get berth in the institutional team.
  2. It provides an opportunity to the up coming athletes to show their skill in one or more athletic events. This may encourage him / them in future to take part in the higher competition of athletics.
  3. It provides an ample opportunity to some one to have the honour of ‘Best Athlete’ of the institution.
  4. Athletic meet conducted before the next higher athletic competition approaching in the near future helps in selecting good athletic team of the institution.
  5. For the professional students, it provides practical experience from the point of view of organizing and conducting of Sports Meet.
  6. To provide opportunities to the student for fun, enjoyment and to develop fellowship participation in sports competitions, leadership and follower ship qualities.
  7. To provides students at the institution with opportunities for release from tension, depression and aggression and to provide a feeling of achievement through sports participation, all of which are contusive to mental and emotional health.
  8. To provide the professional students at the institution with opportunities to gain experience in conducting and organizing the intramural competitions as a part of their training.
  9. To provide opportunities for the trainees to gain experience of officiating.
Importance of intramural and extramural may be summarized in the light of the objectives mentioned above. That the students are provided with ample opportunities to develop their physical, mental, emotional and social health through participation in activities. Through the physical activities their skill is developed to use their leisure time constructively. Further the participants get very good training for citizenship, adult living and human relations. Also the professional students are benefited by getting organizing and administrative experience of conducting intramural and extramural competitions. Further, intramural competition helps in selection of terms for extramural competitions. It is pertinent to mention here that the extramural competitions have some draw backs such as:-
  • Sometime undesirable methods are adopted for the sake of victory.
  • Unhealthy rivalry and jealously are developed.
  • Too much money, time and energy are wasted.
  • There is too much of psychological strain on the part of the students.
  • Some times the participants become so arrogant and exhibit false pride of their victory.
  • However, the above mentioned drawbacks may be easily overcome through competent and dynamic leadership. A good leader must teach the participants to have respect for rules and regulations, officials, opponents, spectators and accept defeat and victory with open mind.  


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