Recent Rule Changes in TENNIS


While the core rules of tennis remain the same, there have been some recent changes and proposed modifications to consider:

Recent Rule Changes:

  • Time between points: The time between first and second serves is now 8 seconds instead of 20 seconds. The time between points during short rallies is now 15 seconds instead of 25 seconds. These changes were implemented in 2020 to improve pace of play.
  • Let service: When the server hits the net on the serve but the ball still lands in the service box, it is now a "let" and the server gets another attempt. This rule was introduced in 2020 to reduce the number of "cheap" points.
  • Scoring format: Some tournaments are experimenting with a "first to 4 games with a tie-break at 3-3" format for sets. This is in addition to the traditional "first to 6 games with a tie-break at 5-5" format. The goal is to shorten matches and make them more exciting.

Proposed Rule Changes:

  • No-ad scoring: Instead of playing "ad points" at 40-40, the game would be decided by a 7-point tie-break. This change is aimed at reducing long deuces and speeding up play.
  • Serve clock: A 25-second serve clock would be introduced to enforce faster service times. This is intended to improve the pace of play and reduce time wasting.
  • Let cord rule in doubles: When the ball hits the net on a serve and bounces towards the non-returning player's side of the court, the non-returning player would be allowed to play the ball. This rule is being proposed to make doubles more exciting and challenging.

Other Considerations:

  • Coaching: Some tournaments are experimenting with allowing on-court coaching. This is a controversial issue, with some players and fans arguing that it gives an unfair advantage to players with better coaches.
  • Technology: The use of technology in officiating is increasing, with line judges being replaced by electronic line calling systems at some tournaments. This is aimed at improving accuracy and reducing human error.

It is important to note that these are just some of the recent and proposed changes to the rules of tennis. The specific rules that apply to a particular tournament or match will depend on the governing body that is organizing it.

Here are some resources where you can find more information about the latest rules of tennis

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