Middle distance race
With the relentless advance in performance in athletics the 800 meter race now attracts athletes who in the past would have bend sprinters. However, it still just makes into the category of middle distance running. Today’s middle distance athlete has both sprinting speed and endurance. His running style is a model of mechanical efficiency, and even in the later stages of a race when fatigue is sapping his strength his skills does not break down
The 3,000 meters steeplechase, an event for men only, is a branch of middle distance running. This game also demands the ability to cross the hurdle, overcome 28 hurdle jumps, and even water jumps are usually included in the race. The exact distance of each lap is not specified in the rules since the water jump position depends on whether it is inside or out side the normal track, but there is a run-in distance from the start to the beginning of the first lap, then several laps each including four hurdle jumps and one water jump. With its heavy wooden hurdles that do not tip over when struck by the athlete as do those used in the other athletic hurdle races, the steeplechase is a race for the few determined. Steeplechaser needs to be a very fit and able hurdler with a good tactical brain to keep out of trouble in a crowded field of jostling runners.
Long distance race
In the middle and long distance running, there is some controversy as the dividing li8ne between the two sprints. But for our purpose we will say that 5,000 meters is the transition and certainly everything from, and including, 10,000 meters is clearly long distance. Athletes seem to draw a line at 5,000 meters, a distance they will run almost as regularly and often as an 800 meters runner will race his specialty, but they are more wary about fast 10,000 meters races, spacing these out with several weeks in between. Marathon runners restrict themselves to only a few races per season, with intervals of months in between. The ultra-long distance involved in the marathon brings with it several new factors-road conditions, gradients, feeding stations, large number of competitors etc.
Hay describes hurdling as a specialized form of running in which some strides (one to four for 110 meters and women’s 100 meters, and one in approximately 15 for 400 meters, excluding the run-in to the first hurdle and the run from the last hurdle to the finish line) are exaggerated to allow the athlete to negotiate the ten hurdles in his path.
Relay races
These are the only true team events in athletics, usually placed at the end of the competition programme to provide an exciting finish to a match. There world records listed for 4*100 meters, 4*200 meters, 4*400 meters and 4*800 meters, for men and women and 4*1500 meters for men only, but relays generally incorporated in most athletics competition are those of 4*100 meters and 4*400 meters

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