New Rules of Volley Ball

 The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) has recently implemented some new rules for the 2023-2024 season. These changes are intended to make the game more exciting and faster-paced. Here are some of the key changes:

  • Rally scoring: Points are now awarded on every serve, regardless of which team was serving. This means that every rally is important and teams have to be constantly focused on scoring.
  • Libero: The libero is a specialized defensive player who can replace any back-row player without counting as a substitution. Liberos are typically very agile and have excellent passing skills.
  • Challenge system: Teams can now challenge certain calls made by the referees. This can be done using a video replay system.
  • Net touch: Players are now allowed to touch the net with any part of their body above the top of the net during the playing action. This means that players can now reach over the net to block or spike the ball.
  • Service fault: The service fault line has been moved back 20 centimeters. This means that servers have more space to serve and that it is more difficult for receivers to return the serve.
  • Blocking: Players are now allowed to block the ball with any part of their body above the top of the net. This means that they can now use their hands to block the ball, even if they are not in front of the net.
  • Digging: Players are now allowed to dig the ball with any part of their body below the waist. This means that they can now use their feet to dig the ball, even if they are not in the back row.
  • Setting: Players are now allowed to set the ball with any part of their body above the waist. This means that they can now use their hands to set the ball, even if they are not in the front row.
  • Spiking: Players are now allowed to spike the ball with any part of their body above the waist. This means that they can now use their hands to spike the ball, even if they are not in the front row.

These new rules are designed to make volleyball more exciting and faster-paced. They are also intended to make the game more fair and to reduce the number of controversial calls.

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