New Rules of GOLF

 Here are some of the new rules of golf that took effect in 2023:

Back-on-the-Line Relief Procedure: The back-on-the-line relief procedure, often used for penalty area and unplayable ball relief, has been simplified. Now, the player simply drops their ball on the line and it must come to rest within one club-length of where it is dropped. This is a significant change from the previous rule, which required the player to drop the ball within two club-lengths of the reference point and then re-drop it if it did not come to rest within one club-length of the spot.

Ball Moved by Natural Forces: A new Exception provides that a ball at rest must be replaced if it moves to another area of the course or comes to rest out of bounds after being dropped, placed or replaced. This change is designed to eliminate the need for players to re-drop a ball if it is moved by natural forces, such as wind or water.

Other changes:

  • Players are no longer required to put their handicap on their scorecard.
  • There is no penalty if a player returns their scorecard in a competition with an incorrect handicap.
  • Players are now allowed to touch the sand behind the ball in a bunker before playing their shot.
  • Players are no longer allowed to touch the ground with their club when taking practice swings in a bunker.

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