Throw Ball
The game is simple and is played on a plain ground 50 feet long and 30 feet broad divided at the center by a tight net. Throw ball is a game played across the net between two teams with 7 players on each side in the
specified rectangle box. It is a popular game played among Asian countries and is slowly gaining popularity
in other continents. The game is popularly played in schools, colleges, clubs, states of India, Srilanka, Korea,
Thailand, Malaysia, Japan,China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh. It is slowly taken up by France, Australia, Brazil, England and other countries.
Rules of the Throw Ball
  • Each team should consist of seven (7) players at time of play. any match played with more or less than seven players shall be unofficial.
  • The team shall consist of 7 active players and 5 substitutes.
  • The court shall measure 12.20 mts x 18.30 mts, with the neutral box being 1.5o mts on either side from the centre. the height of the net shall be 2.20 mts for both men and women.
  • The players should stay in 2-3-2 position at the time of service.
  • The match should be played for best of 3 sets for 25 points in each set with rally score.
  • Any ball to be released should be released from above the shoulder/shoulder-line only.
  • The ball has to be caught with both the hands and returned in one hand only.
  • Service ball should not touch the net.
  • Double touch is not allowed for receiving the service ball.
  • The ball should be served after the whistle & with in 5 sceonds.
  • Serve the ball only from the service- -zone & without crossing the end line..
  • Any ball falling on the box line or in the dead zone is a foul.
  • Any ball after catching (during rally) should be released with in 3 seconds.
  • During the rally, ball can touch the net a player should have contact with the ground at time of receiving the ball, and can jump and return the ball. also a player can jump and serve the ball
  • Body touch- during catching or releasing the ball should not touch any part of the body except the palm.
  • Dubs- while catching, the ball should be caught simultaneously with both the hands without any sound and any movement of the ball in the hand.
  • Two players cannot catch the ball simultaneously.
  • Any ball (service/rally) falling on the side-line or the end-line is a good ball.
  • Shifting the ball from right to left or left to right is not permitted.
  • Pushing the ball deliberately is not permitted.
  • The service ball or the rally ball should not touch the antenna.
  • Five-substitutions are allowed for each set.
  • Two time-outs of (30 seconds each) are permitted for each set.
  • The players should wear proper uniform (shorts & jersey), with numbers printed on both front & back sides. numbers from 1-12 should only be used.

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