Warming up and cooling down

Warming up and cooling down
Introduction Suppose you are told that you have to add an extra 5 to 10 minutes to each of your training workout in order to avoid injury and lessen fatigue.
It is a primarily preparatory activity in which through physiological and psychological preparation, a player/athlete adjusts himself for the fulfillment of the main activity.
General warming up : jogging, striding, stretching, calisthenics.
Specific warming up : sprinter may go through short distance run; volley ball player may prepare his joints for main activity; etc.
Significance of warming up
1. It raises the core body temperature, which improve physical work efficiency.
2. It increases the stroke volume as per demand of muscles to be used in the activity.
3. It also increases lu7ng ventilation, which supplies more oxygen.
4. It results in the removal of lactic acid which helps in improving the endurance.
5. It enables to reduce the chances of feelings of the stretch in the side.
6. It helps the athlete to enjoy the second wind at earliest possible.
7. It improves agility.
8. It improves reaction time.
9. It improves coordination.
10. It improves the range of motion in the joints.
11. Players get used to the ground condition more specially through specific warming up.
12. Athletes get used top environments mainly the crowed consciousness or light condition there are artificial.
13. It reduces tension and nervousness.
14. It improves the concentration required for the main task.
15. General and specific warming up results in better skill performance.

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