Methods of warming up

Methods of warming up
1. Active : Through physical participation procedures, which involve either utilizing the skill or activity that will be used during competition (specific warm- up) or stretching and calisthenics(general warm-up)
2. Passive: Passive warming up does not involve physical exercises. Instead, it involves external stimulus such as massage, steam bath, diathermy, whirlpool baths
Duration of warming up
Duration of warming up depends up on level of training state and level of competition experience. Generally warming up of 15 to 30 minutes is suitable for an activity of 60 to 80 minutes. Warming up of 5 to 10 minutes is enough for untrained players or beginners.
Component of warming up
  • · Stretching
  • · Calisthenics /flexibility
  • · Formal activity
After having progressive aerobic activity like slow jogging which uses the muscles one will be using during exercise sessions, stretching should follows. Stretching prepares the musculoskeletal tissues for vigorous movements. Warmed up muscles need to be elongated to make them supple and elastic
Calisthenics/flexibility exercise
After stretching one should go for calisthenics or flexibility exercise. All such exercises should be performed in a sequence gradual manner and whole body parts be involved.
Formal activity
Final phase of warming up should be related to the main activity. You must perform some activities relating to main workout in a slow manner. For example, if you will be running, warm up with a slow jog, or if you will be cycling then begin in lower gears.
Cooling down
Lowering down the intensity of the work out/training session/competition by performing limbering and stretching exercises followed by deep breathing relaxation exercises is called cooling down or limbering down.
Significance of cooling down
  • Cooling down is essential for recovering to pre exercise/work out state and for re adjusting various functions, i.e. physical, physiological, bio chemical and psychological.
  • Cooling down is also essential to avoid pooling down of blood in veins, which causes fatigue.

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