Training method

Training method
The basic component of physical fitness such as endurance, strength, speed and flexibility can be developed through different training methods
  • · Continuous training method
  • · Interval training method
  • · Repetition method
  • · Competitive and trials methods
  • · Circuit training method
  • · Fartlek training method
  • · Weight training method
  • · Plyometric training method
Continuous training method
Continuous training, as the name implies involves continuous activity, without rest intervals. This has varied high intensity, continuous activity of moderate duration to low intensity, activity of extended duration. i.e. long, slow distance, or “LSD” training. The low distance runner maintains a pace that is just below his racing pace, although this will depend on the competition distance and the distance of training runs. This has been a very effective way of training endurance athletes without requiring high levels of work that are stressful and uncomfortable for athlete. On advantage of this type of training for the competitive runner is constant pace at the near competition levels. Running at an even pace during a rice as appears to be the most efficient way, physiologically, to attain runner’s best time. Therefore, this type of training greatly aids the runner in preparing himself for actual competition. It is suggested by the training experts that slower paced variation, such as LSD or Fartlek, be introduced periodically, e.g. twice per week, to give the athlete some relief from the exhaustive, high intensity, continuous training.
Interval training methods
Gerschler’s great contribution was his understanding of the importance of cardiovascular conditioning and his devising a training scheme at that would maximize cardiovascular fitness. That is, realized that strong legs alone do not make a great runner. He sought that system would increase the heart’s stroke volume, and hens his ability to deliver blood and oxygen to the legs. with Rein dell’s help, he devised interval training relatively fast runs over relatively short distances repeated a number of times.
Repetition method
This may be regarded as exercise which corresponds in part to the requirements of competition being repeatedly performed during a training session. The intensity characteristics (movement parameters, frequency, and velocity) depend on actual levels of performance or aim objective of the training year. Breaks should be provided for complete recovery as far as possible
Competitive and trial method
Endurance capacity for a particular event should be developed entirely by means of competition and trial. This means athlete concentrates on a competitive distance. The factors have to be adjusting in a way that the physiological and psychological effect as well as frequency and techniques correspond ideally with the competitive condition. Tactics and general conditions have to be trained as well.
Circuit training method
This type of conditioning involves almost all of the training factors. Circuit training can be designed to develop strength, power, muscular endurance, speed, agility and neuromuscular coordination, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance
Circuit training is formal types of training in which an athlete goes trough a series of selected exercises or activates better performed in sequence or in a circuit. Circuits can be set up inside gymnasium, exercise rooms, or out side on quarts and fields. There are usually six to ten stations in a circuit. The athlete performs a specific exercise at each station and then goes to the next station.
Fartlek training method
Fartlek is a Swedish term which means ‘speed play’ and has been used by distance runners for years. Fartlek is a form of road running or cross country running which the runner, usually changes the pace significantly during the run. It usually regarded as an advanced training technique, for the experienced runner who has been used intervals training to develop speed and to raise the anaerobic threshold. How ever, the average runner can also benefit from a simplified form of fartlek training, to develop self awareness and to introduce variety in to the training programs.

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